The Edges of Reality
Rub your eyes and check to see something edging your sense of reality
Rub your eyes and check to see something edging your sense of reality
Both art & texts do not fit one genre. Despite the presence of a certain resemblance,
As always, with phenomena related to feelings everything is relative,
Whenever one finds out about the woman who died intriguingly leaving behind several storage lockers
Placed in front of the window representing the sanctioned union of love between the god of love and human, Amor and Psyche,
I sometimes forget to appreciate the beauty of the body I live in but was reminded recently when I folded my ankle
‘Windows to the soul’, they say, but I say, a way to control the environment you live in – changing it up, depending on your mood.
A contradictio in terminis, aka a contradiction in terms, – if I’ve ever known one- in its direct senses, but as interconnected as pen and paper can be:
The sun is out on my way to the weekly shop my feet walk fluently- like a beat-drop through scented petals on a walkabout
Home: a feeling of positive attachment to places/people. Being an unidentified, nameless part of a landscape. Where is the place that you call home? It is a place, or in the way you roam? What makes home for you?