About us


Welcome to All in Art. We hope your stay with us will be most pleasurable. To the left, you will be able to locate our completely furnished and garnished kitchen. Please feel free to have a snack, make yourself some coffee or tea, bake or cook. Our facilities are completely open for you to use and enjoy. To your right, the living room. This space is perfect for a chit-chat with the other guests, a glass of wine around the fire and a good read in one of our premium armchairs or sofas. You can take place anywhere you may please, surely you will be able to find your comfort here. Up the stairs, are the bathroom and shower. I believe those need not to be introduced. Finally, your room. This space is yours. Fully, completely and utterly yours. You may be confused about it’s emptiness at the moment, but let me explain. The frame you have just walked into is one that you shape. You take what you want, skip out on the aspects you are uninterested in and build with us the universe you feel at home in. This room is yours to construct, so that it is 100% yours. Anything is possible, as, let’s be straight, this is fiction. So imagine the colours, the shapes, the size, the plants or the absence thereof, the decorations, the ceilings, the windows, the view from the window, or perhaps from the balcony? Imagine who you share this room with, loved ones, animals, fairies, no one. Everything is possible because you are home.

Welcome to the All in Art facility, a space for creativity, community and comfort. Relax. Lay back. And enjoy your stay.

Who are we?

Multicultural interaction

We embrace and respect all cultures. We want to create a space that different people from different backgrounds can meet and dialogue. Diversity and inclusivity are key. 

With that in mind, the goal of the magazine is to spread culture amongst different communities in the Netherlands, taking into account both the local and the international. To achieve this, we will first and foremost provide free access to cultural services and goods. By doing so, we hope to switch the focus from cultural differences to collective artistic experiences. 

Writers and readers come from diverse backgrounds. The magazine becomes a space of dialogue between not only those people but also their culture.


So everybody has a part in the dialogue, respect is crucial. Non-judgment is the first step towards acceptance and tolerance. 

the creation of new dynamics that go beyond cultural differences. Besides, art is “language blind”. Its experience plays on the common grounds of sensibility to touch each one of us on deeper levels

This is in regards to different cultures, people and ideas. The open dialogue established in the work environment contributes to the collaboration between different parties to promote understanding. By working together, people are able to empathize, relate to others. The magazine is a product conceived and created by a group, not individuals. 


The magazine’s keystone is the principle of freedom of speech. Every voice has the right to be heard. It is only by openly sharing that we can create true cultural encounters.

All voices are to be heard. This is reflected in the structure of the staff, as it avoids hierarchical dynamics. The writers have the freedom to express their ideas as they wish; no judgment will be made upon the latter. 

Our vision is to create a third space that stimulates multicultural dialogues through the shared language of art.

Some of our contributors