Imagining improbable things

Imagine yourself sitting outside. The sun is coming up at the horizon. You can see the clouds gaining some colours, the sky is slowly turning brighter. The birds are chirpy-duping. Some left-over party humans are returning home. You say hi. You feel the wind tousling up your hair. And, suddenly, the morning sun is getting too bright, too warm. You get off the bench, or chair, or log, or other entity you imagined yourself sitting on, and go. Where to? I don’t know. That’s up to you to fantasise about.

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What do you think of when you see the number 27? If you have any sort of interest in music and the culture that surrounds it, chances are that your mind will invariably ebb towards the infamously long list of brilliant artists who lost their lives at that age.

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Read more about the article The Misrepresentation of Culture
Shih-Lun Chang

The Misrepresentation of Culture

A few of us were sitting on a terrasse on a sunny-soon-to-be-cloudy day with the chance of meatballs…khm, khm, sorry, I meant rain. Yes, indeed I haven’t made a #dadjoke pun about a random film or cartoon in a while, so here it is. Relish it. . Anyhoo, while enjoying the gentle breeze a few of us were talking about the usual arts people topics, such as living in the Netherlands as internationals, admiring its DIY healthcare system, and randomly talking about synaptic pruning and the power of behavioural patterns.

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Vissi d’arte

Few are the art forms as linked to tradition as opera. Embedded within a rich history of conventions and techniques, opera’s life spans over five centuries and spreads across Europe.

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