Read more about the article The “language no problem” of Korzo Theater
Korzo theater in the Hague offers a unique opportunity, for both creators and visitors, to explore, feel and create a unique moving arts experience.

The “language no problem” of Korzo Theater

The first time I walked into Korzo Theater, Prinsestraat 42, 2513 CE The Hague, my stress levels were almost human. They grew in my stomach during the night, forest of uncertainties, expectations and excitements. When we walked into Korzo for the first time, my stress and I, were holding hands.

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Undusting a Language

“To be or not to be: that is the question:” Familiar words, right? Many people reading these lines could say for certain that these are Hamlet’s words. More precisely, Shakespeare’s Hamlet’s words. At this point, recognizing this piece is expected general knowledge for many.

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Home: a feeling of positive attachment to places/people. Being an unidentified, nameless part of a landscape. Where is the place that you call home? It is a place, or in the way you roam? What makes home for you?

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