Welcome to a dramaturge's mind

I am Giulia Cristofoli, a dramaturge and producer based in the Netherlands. Here you will find my random writings, from simple blog posts, and reviews to articles. 

You can also find here the archive of All in Art Magazine, a project I conducted between 2021-2022 with my, at the time, fellow students.

Editor’s note – announcement

Did you ever have the feeling that you need the world to stop for a bit just so you can think for a second? Just to slow things down to give you some time to understand what is going on.

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The ominous question

Fantasy is all around us. It is not just present in stories, books, movies, etc., where fantasy takes the form of a physical artefact, mostly designed to keep us entertained.

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Under cinema’s spell

The realm of fantasy is a very wide one. In fact, its definition, when it comes to art, tends to depend on the artistic field. Pierre-George Castex defines it as “the brutal intrusion of mystery in real life”. This is the generic conception. Now if we try to narrow it down to the cinematographic field, a film of fantasy can just as well be one of science fiction as a horror movie. The point is to build the story on supernatural elements, from the world of magic and imagination. It doesn’t matter if the result is Alien or Harry Potter, it will still be a fantasy movie.

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Do you want to ask a question, share a thought, or just chat?

Send me an email at giuliaartproductions@gmail.com